Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Adaptive Seating: Improving Attention

There are many different reasons adaptive seating is used in K-12 classrooms. Whether the child has autism, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or a learning disability, these seating techniques can be very helpful. There are also many different types of adaptive seating including bean bag chairs and air cushions. When researching adaptive seating, I found the adaptive desk to be the most interesting. Due to "decreased muscle tone and the constant need for movement", things such as sliding out of the desk or chair, fidgeting, or slouching will cause issues for disabled children ( Smitch P1).These issues are caused because of the sensory input. For more information on different types of adaptive seating click here. With the adaptive desk, problems like this are prevented,which helps the students focus and expands the length of their attention. The picture included in this post shows a little girl from Danbury, CT using her adaptive desk. To see this picture and more pictures of adaptive technology used in Danbury Public Schools, click here.

GOODFEEL Software For Blind Musicians

GOODFEEL software allows blind musicians to convert regular music scores to braille scores. In the past it was difficult and expensive for blind musicians to get braille scores of the music they were performing. GOODFEEL allows them to take regular scores off other notation software such as Finale or Sibelius and convert them to an easy to translate braille version. This is important for blind musicians due to the fact that they otherwise would have to learn music by ear or have an interpreter present to dictate the music to them. GOODFEEL allows them to have a sense of independence in a musical setting and helps them to feel included in an ensemble.

GOODFEEL also makes it easier for music teachers with blind students. Because of this software they do not have to learn how to read braille. Before this type of technology, special instructors would have to assist blind students where as now it is possible for traditional teachers to easily include blind students.

Click here for a link to more information on GOODFEEL

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adjustable Classroom Chair

There are several adjustable chairs for classroom use. But the one that I found can be used by children as well as adults. It comes in 2 sizes small and large. Accessories can be attached easily like Adjustable Lateral Support, Removable Knee Abductor, Adjustable Pelvic Supports, and Adjustable Foot Bracket. Since the accessories can be attached and detached with ease, each chair can be customized to fit every child's need. Seating is important in linking a child's postural control with functional movements of the upper body. Children with CP can have a difficult time keeping their balance in sitting if they are required to use their hands for skilled use. The Multi-Use Classroom Chair provides many options to gain the 13 best alignment and postural control possible, so that the child can focus on developing and coordinating arm and hand skills.

Children are able to sit in this chair and feel like a normal child. They do not have to feel that they are being treated any differently than any of the other children in the class room.

This is the link to the web page for the chair.